- Always Chaotic Evil: Averted by most species you will find civilian types of several monster species like Rhutums and Catfishmen.
- An Adventurer is that you simply
- Attack from the 50-Feet Whatever: A few of the world bosses or guild boss monsters are just like this. Giant Mudster is a huge pile of dirt, for instance. Kzarka is notable to be 50 ft tall… when he's still stuck as much as his waist in the earth, and he's 'still' probably the most harmful opponents open to face.
- Brainwashed and Crazy: Jordine as he accumulates the cisco kid Knight's sword in Heidel and falls under their influence.
- Combat Pragmatist: Nearly every class has some type of "kick towards the face" attack. Stated kicks will restore anyone's SP or WordPress, letting them rapidly return to using more powerful skills.
- Combat Stilettos: Many female costumes ask them to, designed for the Sorcereress.
- Dark Isn't Evil: Sorceresses.
- Edge Gravity: In lots of situations, your character will teeter more than a ledge instead of walk from it. This can be avoided by sprinting or jumping. Horses using the Caution skill will enforce this they will not review any ledge having a lengthy enough drop to result in any fall damage, and therefore in case you really would like to get over that ledge, you will need to have a flying leap from the edge, and most likely take more damage than you'd have from the controlled fall.
- Elemental Forces: Witches and Wizards have fire, ice, lightning, and earth-elemental spells.
- Fiery Redhead: Valkyries. In-story, hair dye is suitable, but all NPC Valkyries should be scarlet-haired.
- Fishing Minigame: You can easily auto-fish if you would like, however it takes two times as lengthy. Fantastic way to earn money overnight though.
- Fragile Speedster: Ninja and Kunoichi have triple-jump as well as an extended sprint skill, they also have several the cheapest defense of classes.
- Full-Contact Magic: Sorceresses fight much closer-range than Witches and Wizards.
- Gratuitous Language: Look, we obtain the game was created in Korea, but nonetheless. Musa, Maehwa, Hwacha, Shingijeon? Additionally, there are Kunoichi, that is Gratuitous Language for "female ninja".
- Ground Pound: Ninjas and Kunoichis can perform one after double-jumping. Berserkers rather choose to just stomp the floor having a feet.
- Hanging through the Fingers:
- Human Pop-sicle: Witches and Wizards have 3 ice spells, a couple of which could freeze opponents in position. Although outdoors of PvP, it always technically constitutes a monster pop-sicle…
- Interface Screw: Getting hit will close most interface home windows, much like your inventory or even the map. The correct answer is jarring.
- Many people will disable the choice to achieve the black spirit warn you there are high-level opponents around, so it'll stop colouring your screen deep red everytime you fight someone else in charge monster.
- The Valencia desert causes it to be which means you can't ping locations into the spotlight to locate them, or locate yourself into the spotlight. Getting a compass will overcome that second one, but no pinging means no autopathing.
- Kidnapping Bird of Prey: A few of the harpies in the Delphe Dark night Fort have selected up NP Cs to carry hostage. Spend Some Time saving them though, they'll wait.
- Le Parkour: Everybody can jump to waist height and scramble up ledges as much as head's height, but Ninjas and Kunoichis rule in this region because of getting triple-jump. With sufficient jump boosts, they even jump obvious over enemy attacks!
- Lightning Bruiser: Musas and Maehwas ("bladers") can hit pretty hard, with their Pursuit skill, they are fast.
- Light Them Up: Valkyries, particularly when using Sword of Judgment.
- Macross Missile Massacre: A Medieval Asia-style example. Hwachas can be put to protect your fort during node wars, and they are essentially a mix of arbalest, rocket launcher, and short-range missile battery. They fire some 20-odd Shingijeons (that are like harpoons), which explode upon impact, and can essentially 1-shot anybody whose guild doesn't have maxed-out Siege Weapon Resistance. They've longer range than the usual flame turret, along with a good-size Section of Effect, but they are awkward to aim and somewhat slow to fireplace.
- Rangers get honorable mention. Certainly one of their skills is appropriately nicknamed "the shotgun", firing 40 arrows approximately at any given time… and it is spammable.
- The Medic: Witches and Wizards would be the only class able to healing and buffing others. They do not focus on it, however they can perform it.
- Ninja: The, uh, ninjas. And kunoichis.
- No "Arc" in "Archery": Averted. Rangers' arrows do visibly arc, even over short distances, but anything else about archery is totally bonkers who cares. It is also correct that Rangers can shoot much farther downward than upward.
- Not Necessarily Evil: Most monster races. You'll mow lower hordes of Khurutos, Rhutums, Giants, and Catfishmen that are looking to kill yourself on sight, but you will find civilian types of all of them too. Altinova, capital of Mediah, is lived on by more monsters than humans!
- PvP: Additionally to single or party duels, there's also node wars and conquest wars, where guilds fight for charge of territory (and tax money). Node wars contain several guilds each creating a fort, protecting it with turrets and barricades, and attacking using their people, horses, cannons, and war tigers.
- Shield Party: Both Warrior and also the Valkyrie can handle this.
- Kunoichis can guard if they are outfitted having a Kunai, and can counterattack when they guard while at low stamina.
- Shifting Sand Land: The Valencia desert. It's most likely the toughest part of the game to understand more about: you cannot find where you are into the spotlight, you cannot navigate by pinging, and you have to bring purified water and star anise tea to prevent lack of fluids and hypothermia. It is also just really big, and also the monsters are strong.
- Teleportation: Witches and Wizards can perform it, only for brief distances (as much as about 25 ft). It is good for maneuvering throughout a fight though.
- The Large Guy: Players and Valkyries can guard with shields making great tanking units, but Berserkers go ahead and take cake. Berserkers are Giants, so additionally to being physically huge, they've good HP and offense, and may collect you and throw you want a toy.
- The Engineer: You! During node war, you can setup cannons in the game, repair a broken fort, or setup new fortifications and turrets. Within thirty seconds.
- Unnecessary Combat Roll: Rangers' Explosive Evasive Shot is composed of doing Unnecessary Combat Aerial Side-Flips while shooting. Well… I suppose it will help stay mobile while fighting, but nonetheless.
- Gaming Flamethrowers Suck: Partial example. Flame Turrets could be built during node wars, and they've rather short range (around 15 ft), but there is a wide AoE and do huge damage. Additionally they knock riders business horses.
- What the heck Is The Fact That Accent?: Valencians consult with a… Nonspecifically Foreign accent?
- White-colored Magic: Healing Lighthouse, unique to Witches and Wizards.
- Wrestler throughout Us: Throws are usually considered among the best methods to lock an opponent lower in PvP. Valkyries and Players possess a simple grapple-and-throw move, Ninjas and Kunoichis can perform a spin-diving suplex, and Berserkers can collect you and perform a 15-feet jumping chokeslam.
- Resourse: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/VideoGame/