Black desert online –

Black desert online - from the

Black Desert Online is really a sandbox Mmog from Gem Abyss. BDO is definitely an Mmog that has castle sieging, buying and selling, crafting, player housing, parkour, animal husbandry, investment banking, fishing, cooking, woodworking, and loads more.

Players will love jaw-shedding graphics, intuitive skill-based combat, and and immersive story encased within an expansive world just waiting to become explored. Supported with a Black Spirit, a whose future is intertwined using their own, players will uncover the key from the Black Gemstones and also the good reputation for their corrupting effects.


  • Warrior
  • Ranger
  • Sorceress
  • Berserker
  • Valkyrie
  • Wizard / Witch
  • Musa / Maehwa
  • Tamer
  • More in the future with time


  • Robust Character Creation Tools Result in the character You need to play
  • Black desert online - Mounts will have to be

  • Seamless Movement Throughtout the sport World No loading occasions apart from when entering instances.
  • Unique Climate and weather The climate and weather will affect zones that players can adjust to.
  • Parkour Players can increase walls, hop over balconies, and much more using the parkour elements.
  • Action-Based Combat Be a part of action-based combat with skills that may be activated through combos. With no true healing class, timed dodging and blocking is going to be key.
  • Mouse & Keyboard or Gamepad Support
  • Day / Night Cycle Gradual advancement of lighting with a few NPCs becoming unavailable because they go back home for that night. Various monsters may appear during the night too. Different content is going to be incorporated in line with the time.
  • Instanced Player Housing Everything from camping tents to castles and all things in between. Players furnish and equip their very own homes and may even hire NPCs as traders
  • Mounted Combat Mounts are acquired through taming and players can breed unique and new types. Mounts will have to be looked after, housed and guarded as they possibly can die in combat

Black desert online - Seamless Movement Throughtout

Black Desert Online First Impressions "Is It Worth Playing?"


butt head: An Asian MMO that doesn't have a little kid with giant cat ears race? Inconceivable!

BovinaSancta79: Really liked this video. Especially the Pro's and Con's list at the end. \n\nApparently the game (don't remember if it was the Korean version or not, and can't be arsed to look it up right now) has released some dungeons and (a) raid. So that will hopefully be in the game when it comes to NA/EU.

Bdoom: kunoichi is a female ninja lol

TheLazyPeon: For High Quality English Black Desert Guides subscribe to this channel –

Kryptic Studios Corp: Most of TLP's videos are about WoW and have less than 90,000 views while this BDO video has 370k views, yet he keeps making videos about WoW.\nThat is silly wow nerd logic!

TheLazyPeon: UPDATE: Black Desert Online will be Buy To Play in the west! only cosmetics on the in game store and no pay to win bullshit, this seemed to be a big concern for a lot of you and I'm pretty excited by this news –

Akaliptos: i want world of warcraft with this graphics!

McGanker: Hey guys I'm making quick guides about Black Desert on my channel (how to make your own ship, how to level up professions etc). I will be glad if you check it out :)

Sammy Bahkur: Should take this video down lol since you left and everything you said in this video you pretty much disagree with

Urska Jinx: "24 frames of fuck"